


肖正涛,2017年毕业于清华大学,获得博士学位,同年赴美国杜克大学从事博士后研究工作,20211月加入西安交通大学基础医学院,担任特聘研究员、博士生导师。入选西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才B类计划”。肖正涛博士致力于利用生物信息和系统生物学方法,通过组学数据研究肿瘤基因转录组、翻译组的调控机制,以及营养代谢和表观遗传之间的相互调控。目前已在nature communications, nucleic acids research, current opinion in chemical biology, genomics proteomics & bioinformaticsjournal of physical chemistry C等杂志发表多篇论文。


2021.1 – 至今:特聘研究员,西安交通大学基础医学院

2017.9 – 2020.12:博士后, 杜克大学药理学与癌症生物学系(导师:Jason W. Locasale

2013.9 – 2017.7: 博士,清华大学生命科学学院(导师:杨雪瑞)


2020 杜克大学Robert J Fitzgerald Scholar Award

2016 研究生国家奖学金


  1. XIAO, Z., LOCASALE, J. W. 2021. Epigenomic links from metabolism -- methionine and chromatin architecture. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 63, 11-18.

  2. XIAO, Z., DAI, Z. & LOCASALE, J. W. 2019. Metabolic landscape of the tumor microenvironment at single cell resolution. Nat Commun, 10, 3763. (EACR’s Top10 Cancer Research Publications)

  3. ZOU, Q., XIAO, Z., HUANG, R., WANG, X., WANG, X., ZHAO, H. & YANG, X. 2019. Survey of the translation shifts in hepatocellular carcinoma with ribosome profiling. Theranostics, 9, 4141-4155.

  4. XIAO, Z., HUANG, R., XING, X., CHEN, Y., DENG, H. & YANG, X. 2018. De novo annotation and characterization of the translatome with ribosome profiling data. Nucleic Acids Res, 46, e61.

  5. XIAO, Z., ZOU, Q., LIU, Y. & YANG, X. 2016. Genome-wide assessment of differential translations with ribosome profiling data. Nat Commun, 7, 11194.

  6. WANG, Y.#, SHI, J.#, YAN, J.#, XIAO, Z., HOU, X., LU, P., HOU, S., MAO, T., LIU, W., MA, Y., ZHANG, L., YANG, X. & QI, H. 2017. Germinal-center development of memory B cells driven by IL-9 from follicular helper T cells. Nat Immunol, 18, 921-930. (#Contribute equally)

  7. XIAO, Z.*, LOCASALE, J. W. & DAI, Z. 2020. Metabolism in the tumor microenvironment: insights from single-cell analysis. Oncoimmunology, 9, 1726556. (*corresponding author)

  8. ZHANG, Y.#, XIAO, Z.#, ZOU, Q., FANG, J., WANG, Q., YANG, X. & GAO, N. 2017. Ribosome Profiling Reveals Genome-wide Cellular Translational Regulation upon Heat Stress in Escherichia coli. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 15, 324-330. (#contribute equally)

  9. XIAO, Z., ZHU, Q. & ZHANG, H. 2014. Identifying antibacterial targets of flavonoids by comparative genomics and molecular modeling. Open Journal of Genomics, 3, 1.

  10. LU, M.#, XIAO, Z#*. & ZHANG, H*. 2013. Where do health benefits of flavonoids come from? Insights from flavonoid targets and their evolutionary history. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 434, 701--704. (#contribute equally, *coresponding author)

  11. XIAO, Z., WANG, X., XU, X., ZHANG, H., LI, Y. & WANG, Y. 2011. Base- and Structure-Dependent DNA Dinucleotide–Carbon Nanotube Interactions: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Thermodynamic Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 21546-21558. (Cover paper)







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