闫小飞 博士/教授/博士生导师
2020.01 -至今, 西安交通大学生物化学与分子生物学系,教授;
2014.12 -2019.12, 西安交通大学生物化学与分子生物学系,副教授;
2011.01—2013.01, 新加坡国立大学药学系,研究员;
2010.04—2014.12, 西安交通大学生物化学与分子生物学系 ,讲师;
2009.12月, 毕业于西安交通大学医学部,获博士学位。
主要从事组织缺血/再灌注损伤及纤维化的机制及其治疗研究。在apoptosis、aging-US、Biochem Pharmacology, Toxicity and Applied Pharmacology等国际知名期刊上发表SCI收录文章20余篇, 其中1篇为高被引论文。申请专利2项。2018年获陕西省科学技术二等奖。担任中国病理学会会员、陕西省生物化学与分子生物学会会员。
100104 病理学与病理生理学
(1) Juan Wang, Sayyed Hanif Ullah, Meihe Li, Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang, Jin Zheng,Xiaofei Yan*. DR region specific antibody ameliorated but ouabain worsened renal injury in nephrectomized rats through regulating Na,K-ATPase mediated signaling pathways, Aging-US, 2019.2.26, 11(4): 1151~1162(通讯作者,IF 5.515)
(2) Wanzheng Wang, Litao Wu, Xiaojuan Du, Fujun Zhang, Sayyed Hanif Ullah,Ting Lei, Dongming Li,Xiaofei Yan*. Anti-Toll-like receptor 2 antibody inhibits nuclear factor kappa B activation and attenuates cardiac damage in high-fat-feeding rats, Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2019 Apr 1;51(4):347-355(通讯作者,IF:2.836)
(3)Xiaofei Yan* ; Meng Xun; Litao Wu; Xiaojuan Du; Fujun Zhang; Zheng J. D Rm217 attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury via stabilizing plasma membrane Na+-K+-ATPase, inhibiting Na+-K+-ATPase/ROS pathway and activating PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2018.6.15, 349: 62~71(通讯作者,IF:3.685)
(4)Fei Hua,Zhiyuan Wu,Xiaofei Yan,Jin Zheng,Haijian Sun,Xu Cao,Jin-Song Bian.DR region of Na+-K+-ATPase is a new target to protect heart against oxidative injury. Sci Rep.2018 Aug 30; 8(1):13100. (共第一作者,IF:3.998)
(5) Siping Xiong, Xiao Yang,Xiaofei Yan, Fei Hua, Mengyuan Zhu, Lei Guo, Zhiyuan Wu, Jin-Song Bian. Immunization with Na+/K+ATPase DR peptide prevents bone loss in an ovariectomized rat osteoporosis model. Biochem Pharmacol.2018 Oct; 156:281-290. (IF:4.96)
(6)Yan xiaofei, Xun meng, Dou xiaojuan, Wu litao, Zhang fujun, Zheng jin*, Activation of Na+-K+-ATPase with DRm217 attenuates oxidative stress-induced myocardial cell injury via closing Na+-K+-ATPase/Src/Ros amplifier, Apoptosis, 2017;22(4): 531~543.(第一作者,IF:4.543)
(7)Yan xiaofei#, Wu haixia#, Wu zhiyuan, Hua fei, Liang dong, Sun hong, Yang Yong, Huang De-jian, Bian Jinsong*, The New Synthetic H2S-Releasing SDSS Protects MC3T3-E1 Osteoblasts against H2O2-Induced Apoptosis by Suppressing Oxidative Stress, Inhibiting MAPKs, and Activating the PI3K/Akt Pathway, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2017:8(IF:4.2):
(8)Yan Xiaofei, Xun Meng,Dou Xaojuan,Wu Litao,Han Yan,Zheng Jin*, Regulation of Na+-K+-ATPase effected high glucose-induced myocardial cell injury through c-Src dependent NADPH oxidase/ROS pathway, Experimental cell research, 2017;357(2): 243~251(IF:IF 3.3)
(9)Yan xiaofei, Xun meng, Li jing, Wu litao, Dou xiaojuan,Zheng Jin* , Activation of Na+/K+-ATPase attenuates high glucose-induced H9c2 cell apoptosis via suppressing ROS accumulation and MAPKs activities by DRm217, Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 2016;48(18): 883~893(IF:2.502)
电子邮箱:yanxiaofei@ xjtu.edu.cn; 279057894@qq.com