1989.9-1996.6 西安医科大学 临床医学7年制 医学学士/硕士
1996.7-1999.6 解放军总医院军医进修学院 普通外科 医学博士
1999.6-2001.10 解放军总医院普外研究所助理研究员
2001.10-2002.8 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Center for Surgical Research, Department of Surgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA
2002.9-2012.5 Sr. Research Fellow/ Research Scientist/ Assistant Professor, Division of Surgical Research, Department of Surgery, North Shore University Hospital & Long Island Jewish Medical Center, North Shore-LIJ Health System Manhasset, NY, USA
2005.7-2012.5 Director of Research, TheraSource LLC, Roslyn, NY, USA(兼职)
2012.6- 2015.8 Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA
2015.8- 西安交大第一附属医院先进外科技术与工程研究所、陕西省再生医学与外科工程研究中心、精准外科与再生医学国家地方联合工程中心,副所长、副主任,教授
2004 Surgical Specialty Award
Society of Critical Care Medicine, USA
2005 Educational Scholarship Award
Society of Critical Care Medicine, USA
2006 Educational Scholarship Award
Society of Critical Care Medicine, USA
1. Wu R, Cui X, Lim Y-P, Bendelja K, Zhou M, Simms HH, Wang P: Delayed administration of human inter-a-inhibitor proteins reduces mortality in sepsis.Crit Care Med32: 1747-1752, 2004.
2. Wu R, Dong W, Zhou M, Cui X, Simms HH, Wang P: Ghrelin improves tissue perfusion in severe sepsis via downregulation of endothelin-1.Cardiovasc Res68:318-326, 2005.
3. Wu R, Cui X, Dong W, Zhou M, Simms H, Wang P: Mechanisms responsible for vascular hyporesponsiveness to adrenomedullin after hemorrhage: the central role of adrenomedullin binding protein-1.Ann Surg242:115-123, 2005.
4. Wu R, Wang P: Adenosine A2Areceptor activation: another potential therapy for trauma and hemorrhagic shock.Crit Care Med34:1273-1275, 2006.
5. Wu R, Dong W, Cui X, Zhou M, Simms H, Ravikumar TS, Wang P: Ghrelin downregulates proinflam-matory cytokines in sepsis via activation of the vagus nerve.Ann Surg245:480-486, 2007.
6. Wu R, Dong W, Zhou M, Simms HH, Marini CP, Ravikumar TS, Wang P: Adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin binding protein-1 prevent metabolic acidosis after uncontrolled hemorrhage in rats.Crit Care Med35:912-918, 2007.
7. Wu R, Dong W, Zhou M, Zhang F, Marini CP, Ravikumar TS, Wang P: Ghrelin attenuates sepsis-induced acute lung injury and mortality in rats.Am J Respir Crit Care Med176:805-813, 2007.
8. Wu R, Dong W, Qiang X, Wang H, Blau SA, Ravikumar TS, Wang P: Orexigenic hormone ghrelin ameliorates gut barrier dysfunction in sepsis in rats.Crit Care Med37:2421-2426, 2009.
9. Wu R, Zhou M, Dong W, Ji Y, Miksa M, Marini CP, Ravikumar TS, Wang P: Ghrelin hyporesponsiveness contributes to aging-related hyperinflammation in septic shock.Ann Surg250:126-33, 2009.
10. Qi L, Cui X, Dong W, Barrera R, Coppa GF, Wang P,Wu R*:Ghrelin protects rats against traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock through upregulation of UCP2.Ann Surg260:169-178, 2014.
11. Wang Y, Li Q, Ma T, Liu X, Wang B, Wu Z, Dang S, Lv Y*,Wu R*: Transfusion of older red blood cells increases the risk of acute kidney injury after orthotopic liver transplantation: A Propensity Score Analysis.Anesthesia & Analgesia127(1):202-209, 2018
12. Bi J, Zhang J, Ren Y, Du Z, Li Q, Wang Y, Wei S, Yang L, Zhang J, Liu C, Lv Y,Wu R*: Irisin alleviates liver ischemia-reperfusion injury by inhibiting excessive mitochondrial fission, promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and decreasing oxidative stress.Redox Biology20:296-306, 2019
13. Ren Y, Qiu M, Zhang J, Bi J, Wang M, Hu L, Du Z, Li T, Zhang L, Wang Y, Lv Y, Wu Z*,Wu R*: Low serum irisin concentration is associated with poor outcomes in patients with acute pancreatitis and irisin administration protects against experimental acute pancreatitis.Antioxidants and Redox Signaling31, 771–785,2019(Cover story)
14. Lei H*, Reinke P, Volk H, Lv Y*,Wu R*: Mechanisms of immune tolerance in liver transplantation: Crosstalk between alloreactive T cells and liver cells with therapeutic prospects.Frontiers in Immunology10: 2667, 2019
15. Bi J, Yang L, Wang T, Zhang J, Li T, Ren Y, Wang M, Chen X, Lv Y,Wu R*: Irisin improves autophagy of aged hepatocytes via increasing telomerase activity in liver injury.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity2020:6946037, 2020
16. Bi J, Zhang J, Ren Y, Du Z, Zhang Y, Liu C, Wang Y, Zhang L, Shi Z, Wu Z, Lv Y,Wu R*: Exercise hormone irisin mitigates endothelial barrier dysfunction and microvascular leakage related diseases.JCI insight. 5:136277, 2020
17. Wei S, Bi J, Yang L, Zhang J, Wan Y, Chen X, Wang Y, Wu Z, Lv Y*,Wu R*: Serum irisin levels are decreased in patients with sepsis, and exogenous irisin suppresses ferroptosis in the liver of septic mice.Clinical and Translational Medicine10:e173, 2020
18. Ren Y, Liu W, Zhang L, Zhang J, Bi J, Wang T, Wang M, Du Z, Wang Y, Zhang L, Wu Z, Lv Y, Meng L,Wu R*: Milk fat globule EGF factor 8 restores mitochondrial function via integrin-medicated activation of the FAK-STAT3 signaling pathway in acute pancreatitis.Clinical and Translational Medicine11:e295, 2021
19. Ren Y, Cui Q, Zhang J, Liu W, Xu M, Lv Y, Wu Z, Zhang Y*,Wu R*: Milk Fat Globule-EGF Factor 8 Alleviates Pancreatic Fibrosis by Inhibiting ER Stress-Induced Chaperone- Mediated Autophagy in Mice.Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12: 707259, 2021.
20. Zhao J, Qiao L, Dong J,Wu R*: Antioxidant Effects of Irisin in Liver Diseases: Mechanistic Insights.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity2022: 3563518, 2022
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6. 柯梦云,吴荣谦,吕毅.一种突变蜂毒肽MEL-pep及其应用[P]. ZL 2017 1 1354495.8, 2020-04-28.
7. 白纪纲,王荣峰,寇博,丁鸿帆,张伟,吴荣谦,吕毅:ZL 2020 1 0159315.6一种用于治疗OSAS的智能磁牵引装置2021年02月09日
8. 吕毅,单丽宇,杜妍莹,马锋,严小鹏,吴荣谦:ZL 2018 1 0389425.4一种麦芒仿生驱动的消化道磁吻合装置2021年06月08日
9. 吕毅,杜妍莹,马锋,单丽宇,严小鹏,吴荣谦,卢强:ZL 2018 1 0389429.2一种磁体于“麦芒”仿生联合动力下行逆向结肠检查的装置2021年06月08日
10. 吴荣谦,张佳,毕建斌.热休克因子2结合蛋白在肝脏缺血再灌注损伤、药物性肝损伤中的应用. ZL202010490337.0, 2021-07-02
11. 吴荣谦,任一凡,吕毅.鸢尾素(irisin)在预防及治疗重症急性胰腺炎药物中的应用. ZL201810797454.4, 2021-10-22
12. 吴荣谦,任一凡,吕毅.人乳脂球表皮生长因子8在制备预防/治疗重症急性胰腺炎药物中的应用[P]. ZL201910013797.1, 2022-04-24