2. 法医临床与法医人类学研究
先后主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,其中重点项目1项,科技部国际合作与交流重点项目1项。在Neuroscience,Neuropharmacology,Addiction Biology,Forensic Science International,International Journal of Legal Medicine等杂志发表研究论文50余篇。获国家科技进步二等奖(排名第3年),陕西省科技进步一等奖(排名第3)各1项。获第四届“陕西青年科技奖”及“王宽诚育才奖”,入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。现任中国法医学会理事,陕西省法医学会理事长,中国法医学会法医临床专业委员会副主任委员。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,青春期甲基苯丙胺暴露对小鼠脑发育的影响以及作用机制研究(No. 81772034),2018.1-2021.12, 60万,主持人。
国家自然科学基金重点项目,伏隔核miR-29/Dnmt3/Meg3通路参与甲基苯丙胺成瘾的机制研究 (No. 81430048), 2015.1-2019.12,320万,主持人。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,MA成瘾小鼠大脑差异表达microRNA及其调控作用研究,(No. 81172913),2012.1-2015.12,63万,主持人。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,MA诱导的小鼠神经元可塑性改变及D3R调控作用的研究(No. 30973365),2010.1-2012.12),31万,主持人。
国家自然科学基金主任基金科技活动项目,法医学科发展态势战略调研(No. 81142004),2012.01-2012.12,10万,主持人。
(1) Jiaqi Li, Li Zhu, Hang Su, Dan Liu, Zhilan Yan, Tong Ni, Han Wei, Eyleen L.K. Goh*, Teng Chen*. Regulation of miR-128 in the nucleus accumbens affects methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization by modulating proteins involved in neuroplasticity. Addiction Biology. 2020, e12881.
(2) Hongliang Su, Tingting Sun, Xiao Wang, Yan Du, Na Zhao, Jie Zhu, Jiangwei Yan, Teng Chen⁎, Keming Yun⁎⁎ Levo-tetrahydropalmatine attenuates methamphetamine reward behavior and the accompanying activation of ERK phosphorylation in mice. Neuroscience Letters, 2020 714: 134416.
(3) Guang Chu, Meng-qi Han, Ling-ling Ji, Mu-jia Li, Hong Zhou, Teng Chen⁎, Yu-cheng Guo*, Will different sagittal and vertical skeletal types relate the soft tissue thickness: A study in Chinese female adults. Legal Medicine, 2020, 42: 101633.
(4) Yu-cheng Guo, Ya-hui Wang, Andreas Olze, Sven Schmidt, Ronald Schulz, Heidi Pfeiffer, Teng Chen*, Andreas Schmeling, Dental age estimation based on the radiographic visibility of the periodontal ligament in the lower third molars: application of a new stage classification. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2020, 134(1):369-374.
(5) Hang Su, Li Zhu, Jiaqi Li, Rui Wang, Dan Liu, Wei Han, Jean Lud Cadet, Teng Chen∗. Regulation of microRNA-29c in the nucleus accumbens modulates methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization in mice. Neuropharmacology, 2019, 148: 160-168.
(6) Tong Ni, Yanlin Li, Rui Wang, Tinghong Hu, Fanglin Guan, Li Zhu, Wei Han, Teng Chen* The potential involvement of miR-204-3p-axon guidance network in methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization of mice. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 707: 134303.
(7) Jiaqi Li, Li Zhu, Fanglin Guan, Zhilan Yan, Dan Liu, Wei Han, Teng Chen*. Relationship between schizophrenia and changes in the expression of the T long non-coding RNAs Meg3, Miat, Neat1 and Neat2. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2018, 106: 22–30.
(8) Nan Dong, Jie Zhu, Wei Han, Shuai Wang, Zhilan Yan, Dongliang Ma, Eyleen L.K. Goh, Teng Chen*. Maternal methamphetamine exposure causes cognitive impairment and alteration of neurodevelopment-related genes in adult offspring mice. Neuropharmacology, 2018,140, 25-34.
(9) Liu D, Zhu L, Ni T, Guan FL, Chen YJ, Ma DL, Goh ELK, Chen T*. Ago2 and Dicer1 are involved in METH-induced locomotor sensitization in mice via biogenesis of miRNA. Addiction Biology. 2018 Mar 8. doi: 10.1111/adb.12616. [Epub ahead of print].
(10) Cao G, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Zhu J, Zhao N, Dong N, Dang Y, Chen Y, Chen T*. The inhibitory effect of levo-tetrahydropalmatine on the methamphetamine-induced spatial memory impairment in mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2018, 672: 34-39.
(11) Yanjiong Chen, Cuo Yang, Li Zhu, Jiaqi Li, Fanglin Guan, Chen Teng*. Depletion of D3 dopamine receptor affects methamphetamine-induced expression patterns of Pde4b and Atf3. Neuroscience Letters. 2018, 665: 54-60.
(12) Guo YC, Chu G, Olze A, Schmidt S, Schulz R, Ottow C, Pfeiffer H, Chen T*, Schmeling A. Application of age assessment based on the radiographic visibility of the root pulp of lower third molars in a northern Chinese population. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, 132: 825.
(13) Yu-cheng Guo, Guang Chu, Andreas Olze, Sven Schmidt, Ronald Schulz, Christian Ottow, Heidi Pfeiffer, Teng Chen*, Andreas Schmeling. Age estimation of Chinese children based on second molar maturity. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, 132: 807.
(14) Yu-cheng Guo, Mu-jia Li, Andreas Olze, Sven Schmidt, Ronald Schulz, Hong Zhou, Heidi Pfeiffer, Teng Chen*, Andreas Schmeling. Studies on the radiographic visibility of the periodontal ligament in lower third molars: can the Olze method be used in the Chinese population? International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, 132: 617.
(15) Zhu J, Zhao N, Chen Y, Zhu L, Zhong Q, Liu J, Chen T*. Sodium butyrate modulates a methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. J Neurosci Res. 2017, 95(4):1044-1052. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23835.
(16) Zhu L, Li J, Dong N, Guan F, Liu Y, Ma D, Goh EL, Chen T*. mRNA changes in nucleus accumbens related to methamphetamine addiction in mice. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:36993.
(17) Zhu L, Zhu J, Liu Y, Chen Y, Li Y, Chen S, Li T, Dang Y, Chen T*. Chronic Methamphetamine Regulates the Expression of MicroRNAs and Putative Target Genes in the Nucleus Accumbens of Mice. J Neurosci Res, 2015, 93(10):1600–1610.
(18) Zhu L, Zhu J, Liu Y, Chen Y, Li Y, Huang L, Chen S, Li T, Dang Y, Chen T*. Methamphetamine induces alterations in the long non-coding RNAs expression profile in the nucleus accumbens of the mouse. BMC Neurosci, 2015, 16:18.
(19) Xue L, Li X, Ren HX, Wu F, Li M, Wang B, Chen FY, Cheng WY, Li JP, Chen YJ*, Chen T*. The dopamine D3 receptor regulates the effects of Methamphetamine on LPS-induced cytokine production in murine mast cells. Immunobiology, 2015, 220(6):744-752.
(20) Yu-cheng Guo, Chun-xia Yan*, Xing-wei Lin, Hong Zhou, Ju-ping Li, Feng Pan, Zhi-yong Zhang, Lai Wei, Zheng Tang, Teng Chen*. Age estimation in northern Chinese children by measurement of open apices in tooth roots. Int J Legal Med, 2015, 129(1): 179-186.
(21) Yu-cheng Guo, Chun-xia Yan*, Xing-wei Lin, Wen-tao Zhang, Hong Zhou, Feng Pan, Lai Wei, Zheng Tang, Feng Liang, Teng Chen*. The influence of impaction to the third molar mineralization in northwestern Chinese population. Int J Legal Med, 2014, 128(4): 659-665.
(22) Yu-cheng Guo, Chun-xia Yan*, Xing-wei Lin, Hong Zhou, Feng Pan, Lai Wei, Zheng Tang, Feng Liang, Teng Chen*. Studies of the chronological course of third molars eruption in a northern Chinese population. Arch Oral Biol, 2014, 59(9): 906-911.
(23) Zhao Na, Chen Yanjiong, Zhu Jie, Wang Liang, Cao Guofen, Dang Yonghui, Yan Chunxia, Wang Jiabei, Chen Teng*. Levo-tetrahydropalmatine attenuates the development and expression of methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization and the accompanying activation of ERK in the nucleus accumbens and caudate putamen mice. Neuroscience, 2014, 258:101-110.