侯鹏,男,1974年10月,第一附属医院内分泌科副主任,博士生导师,西安交通大学第九批“腾飞”特聘教授及第一批“青年拔尖人才A类”,陕西省中青年科技创新领军人才,陕西省肿瘤精准医学重点实验室副主任。2005年至2009年在美国约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院从事博士后研究,主要从事肿瘤遗传与表观遗传学的相关工作。2009年9月受聘西安交通大学第一附属医院,并获得光华基金资助(光华特聘教授),次年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。近年来,课题组共获得国家自然科学基金30余项、973子课题1项及其它省部级项目多项。本人先后获得陕西省科学技术奖二等奖及中华医学科技奖三等奖各一项,发表SCI论文200余篇,被引用超过6700余次,H-index为41(其中以第一及通讯作者发表SCI论文100篇,IF>10的论文24篇;1篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,归入其学术领域中最优秀的 1% 之列)。此外,申请及合作申请专利4项。
1. American Journal of Cancer Research编委(影响因子:5.942)
2. World Journal of Gastroenterology编委(影响因子:5.374)
3. Translational Oncology编委(影响因子:4.803)
4. Journal of Clinical Medicine编委(影响因子:4964)
5. 临床医学研究与实践杂志 编委
6. 西安交通大学学报(医学版)编委
7. 中国抗癌协会甲状腺癌专业委员会 常务委员
8. 中国临床肿瘤学会甲状腺癌专家委员会 委员
9. 中国抗癌协会肿瘤代谢专业委员会 委员
10. 中华医学会肿瘤分会甲状腺肿瘤专业委员会 委员
11. 中国细胞生物学会青年委员会 委员
12. 中华医学会内分泌分会“转化医学学组”成员
13. 中华医学会陕西省内分泌分会 委员
14. 陕西省抗癌协会肿瘤标志物专业委员会 常务委员
15. 陕西省抗癌协会生物样本库专业委员会 常务委员
16. 陕西省健康促进与教育协会妊娠内分泌代谢分会 副主任委员
1. Zeng Z, Zheng W,Hou P*. The role of drug-metabolizing enzymes in synthetic lethality of cancer.Pharmacol Ther.2022 May 27;240:108219. (IF:13.4)
2. Ma S, Wang N, Liu R, Zhang R, Dang H, Wang Y, Wang S, Zeng Z, Ji M*,Hou P*. ZIP10 is a negative determinant for anti-tumor effect of mannose in thyroid cancer by activating phosphate mannose isomerase.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2021; 40(1):387. (IF:12.658)
3. Da C, Pu J, Liu Z, Wei J, Qu Y, Wu Y, Shi B, Yang J*, He N*,Hou P*. HACE1-mediated NRF2 activation causes enhanced malignant phenotypes and decreased radiosensitivity of glioma cells.Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021; 6(1):399. (IF:38.104)
4. Su X, Feng C, Wang S, Shi L, Gu Q, Zhang H, Lan X, Zhao Y, Qiang W, Ji M*,Hou P*.The noncoding RNAs SNORD50A and SNORD50B-mediated TRIM21-GMPS interaction promotes the growth of p53 wild-type breast cancers by degrading p53.Cell Death Differ.2021;28(8):2450-2464.(IF:12.067)
5. Wang S, Zhou X, Zeng Z, Sui M, Chen L, Feng C, Huang C, Yang Q, Ji M,Hou P*. Atovaquone-HSA nano-drugs enhance the efficacy of PD-1 blockade immunotherapy by improving hypoxic tumor microenvironment.J Nanobiotechnology. 2021;19(1):302. (IF:9.429)
6. Wu Y, Shi L, Zhao Y, Chen P, Cui R, Ji M, He N, Wang M*, Li G*,Hou P*. Synergistic activation of mutant TERT promoter by Sp1 and GABPA in BRAF V600E-driven human cancers.NPJ Precis Oncol. 2021 Jan 22;5(1):3. (IF:10.092)
7. Bai Z, Qu Y, Shi L, Li X, Yang Z, Ji M*,Hou P*. Identification of a germline CSPG4 variation in a family with neurofibromatosis type 1-like phenotype.Cell Death Dis. 2021; 12(8):765. (IF:9.685)
8. Li Y#, Su X#, Feng C, Liu S, Guan H, Sun Y, He N*, Ji M*,Hou P*.CYP2S1 is a synthetic lethal target in BRAF V600E-driven thyroid cancers.Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2020;5(1):191. (IF:38.104)
9. He W#, Yan J#, Li Y, Yan S, Wang S,Hou P*, Lu W*.Resurrecting a p53 peptide activator - An enabling nanoengineering strategy for peptide therapeutics.J Control Release. 2020;325:293-303. (IF:11.467)
10. Li M#, Ruan B#, Wei J, Yang Q, Chen M, Ji M*,Hou P*. ACYP2 contributes to malignant progression of glioma through promoting Ca 2+ efflux and subsequently activating c-Myc and STAT3 signals.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2020;39(1):106. (IF:12.658)
11. Wang N, Li Y, Wei J, Pu J, Liu R, Yang Q, Guan H, Shi B,Hou P*, Ji M*. TBX1 Functions as a Tumor Suppressor in Thyroid Cancer Through Inhibiting the Activities of the PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK Pathways.Thyroid. 2019; 29(3):378-394. (IF:6.506)
12. Su X#, Shen Z#, Yang Q, Sui F, Pu J, Ma J, Ma S, Yao D, Ji M*,Hou P*. Vitamin C kills thyroid cancer cells through ROS-dependent inhibition of MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT pathways via distinct mechanisms.Theranostics. 2019; 9(15):4461-4473. (IF:11.6)
13. Yang Q, Jiang W,Hou P*. Emerging role of PI3K/AKT in tumor-related epigenetic regulation.Semin Cancer Biol. 2019;59:112-124. (IF:17.012)
14. He W#, Yan J#, Wang L, Lei B,Hou P*, Lu W*, Ma PX*. A lanthanide-peptide-derived bacterium-like nanotheranostic with high tumor-targeting, -imaging and -killing properties.Biomaterials. 2019; 206:13-24. (IF:15.304)
15. He W#, Wang S#, Yan J#, Qu Y, Jin L, Sui F, Li Y, You W, Yang G, Yang Q, Ji M, Liu M, Shao Y, Ma PX*, Lu W*,Hou P*. Self-Assembly of Therapeutic Peptide into Stimuli-Responsive Clustered Nanohybrids for Cancer-Targeted Therapy.Adv Funct Mater. 2019; 29(10):1807736. (IF:19.924)
16. Dang S, Zhou J, Chen Y, Chen P, Ji M, Shi B, Yang Q*,Hou P*. Dynamic expression of ZNF382 and its tumor-suppressor role in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinogenesis.Oncogene. 2019; 38(24):4804-4819. (IF:8.756)
17. Bian Z#, Yan J#, Wang S#, Li Y, Guo Y, Ma B, Guo H, Lei Z, Yin C, Zhou Y, Liu M, Tao K*,Hou P*, He W*. Awakening p53 in vivo by D-peptides-functionalized ultra-small nanoparticles: Overcoming biological barriers to D-peptide drug delivery.Theranostics. 2018; 8(19):5320-5335. (IF:11.6)
18. Li H, Tian Z, Qu Y, Yang Q, Guan H, Shi B, Ji M*,Hou P*. SIRT7 promotes thyroid tumorigenesis through phosphorylation and activation of Akt and p70S6K1 via DBC1/SIRT1 axis.Oncogene. 2019; 38(3):345-359. (IF:8.756)
19. He W#,*, Yan J#, Sui F#, Wang S, Su X, Qu Y, Yang Q, Guo H, Ji M, Lu W, Shao Y*,Hou P*. Turning a Luffa Protein into a Self-Assembled Biodegradable Nanoplatform for Multitargeted Cancer Therapy.ACS Nano. 2018;12(11):11664-11677. (IF:18.027)
20. He W#, Yan J#, Jiang W#, li S, Qu Y, Niu F, Yan Y, Sui F, Wang S, Zhou Y, Jin L, Ji M, Ma PX, Liu M*, lu W*,Hou P*. Peptide-Induced Self-Assembly of Therapeutics into a Well-Defined Nanoshell with Tumor-Triggered Shape and Charge Switch.Chem Mater. 2018; 30: 7034-46. (IF:10.508)
21. Li Y, Li X, Pu J, Yang Q, Guan H, Ji M, Shi B*, Chen M*,Hou P*. c-Myc is a major determinant for antitumor activity of Aurora A kinase inhibitor MLN8237 in thyroid cancer.Thyroid. 2018; 28:1642-54. (IF:6.506)
22. Li Y, Yang Q, Guan H, Shi B, Ji M,Hou P*. ZNF677 Suppresses Akt Phosphorylation and Tumorigenesis in Thyroid Cancer.Cancer Res. 2018;78(18):5216-5228. (IF:13.312)
23. Qu Y, Shi B,Hou P*. Activated ERK: An Emerging Player in miRNA Downregulation.Trends in Cancer. 2017;3(3):163-165. (IF:19.161)
24. Qu Y, Yang Q, Liu J, Shi B, Ji M, Li G,Hou P*. c-Myc is required for BRAFV600E-induced epigenetic silencing by H3K27me3 in tumorigenesis.Theranostics. 2017; 7(8):2092-2107. (IF:11.6)
25. Yang Q andHou P*. Targeting PFKFB3 in the Endothelium for Cancer Therapy.Trends Mol Med. 2017;23(3):197-200. (IF:15.272)
26. Shi J, Qu Y, Li X, Sui F, Yao D, Yang Q, Shi B, Ji M,Hou P*. Increased expression of EHF via gene amplification contributes to the activation of HER family signaling and associates with poor survival in gastric cancer.Cell Death Dis. 2016;7(10):e2442. (IF:9.685)
27. Zhang Y, Sui F, Ma J, Ren X, Guan H, Yang Q, Shi J, Ji M, Shi B, Sun Y,Hou P*. Positive Feedback Loops between NrCAM and Major Signaling Pathways Contribute to Thyroid Tumorigenesis.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(2):613-24. (IF:6.134)
28. Qiang W, Zhao Y, Yang Q, Liu W, Guan H, Lv S, Ji M, Shi B,Hou P*. ZIC1 Is Putative Tumor Suppressor in Thyroid Cancer by Modulating Major Signaling Pathways and Transcription Factor FOXO3a.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014; 99(7):E1163-72.(IF:6.134)
29. Cui B, Yang Q, Guan H, Shi B,Hou P*, Ji M*. PRIMA-1, a Mutant p53 Reactivator, Restores the Sensitivity of TP53 Mutant-type Thyroid Cancer Cells to the Histone Methylation Inhibitor 3-Deazaneplanocin A (DZNep).J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014; 99(6):E962-70. (IF:6.134)
30. Yang Q, Ji M, Guan H, Shi B,Hou P*. Shikonin Inhibits Thyroid Cancer Cell Growth and Invasiveness through Targeting Major Signaling Pathways.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013; 98(12):E1909-17. (IF:6.134)
31. Qu Y, Dang S,Hou P*.Gene methylation in gastric cancer.Clin Chim Acta. 2013; 424:53-65. (IF:6.314) [ESI高被引]
32. Hou P, Bojdani E, Xing M*. Induction of Thyroid Gene Expression and Radioiodine Uptake in Thyroid Cancer Cells by Targeting Major Signaling Pathways.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010; 95(2):820-8. (IF:6.134)
33. Wang Y#,Hou P#, Yu H, Wang W, Ji M, Zhao S, Yan S, Sun X, Liu D, Shi B, Zhu G, Condouris S, Xing M*. High prevalence and mutual exclusivity of genetic alterations in the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/akt pathway in thyroid tumors.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007; 92(6):2387-90. (IF:6.134)
34. Hou P, Liu D, Shan Y, Hu S, et al.Genetic alterations and their relationship in the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in thyroid cancer.Clin Cancer Res.2007; 13(4):1161-70. (IF:13.801)
35. Hou P, Liu D, Xing M*.The T1790A BRAF mutation (L597Q) in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a functional oncogene.Leukemia.2007; 21(10):2216-8. (IF:12.883)
36. Hou P*, Chen Z, Ji M, He N, Lu Z*.Real-time PCR assay for ultrasensitive quantification of DNA-binding proteins.Clin Chem. 2007; 53(4):581-6. (IF:12.167)
37. Hou P, Ji M, Li S, Lu Z*.Microarray-based approach for high-throughput genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms with layer-by-layer dual-color fluorescence hybridization.Clin Chem. 2004; 50(10):1955-7. (IF:12.167)
38. Hou P, Ji M, Ge C, Shen J, Li S, He N, Lu Z*.Detection of methylation of human p16(Ink4a) gene 5'-CpG islands by electrochemical method coupled with linker-PCR.Nucleic Acids Res. 2003; 31(16):e92. (IF:19.16)
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Email:phou@xjtu.edu.cn或 penghou@126.com