







2024年 1月-至今         西安交通大学第一附属医院         教    授

2022年 1月-至今         西安交通大学基础医学院           教    授

2014年 9月-2021年12月   中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所   研 究 员

2008年 6月-2014年 5月   瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院             医学博士

2004年 9月-2009年 6月   中国农业大学                     农学博士


2014年入选中国农业科学院“青年英才计划A类”,入职哈尔滨兽医研究所兽医生物技术国家重点实验室(现为动物疫病防控全国重点实验室),任研究员,博士生导师,学委会委员;2022年1月至今任西安交通大学基础医学院教授,博士生导师,入选西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划A类”、陕西省“三秦英才引进计划”秦创原创新创业人才。任中国农业生物技术学会动物生物技术分会理事,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医公共卫生分会第三届理事,中国微生物学会兽医微生物专业委员会首届青年委员,美国免疫学会(AAI)会员,中国免疫学会高级会员,中国细胞生物学学会终身会员,Animal Research and one health 编委,《农业生物技术学报》编委,Zoonoses青年编委,Microorganisms、Frontiers in Microbiology等期刊客座编辑,国家科技专家库专家,农业农村部及多省市科技专家库专家,国家自然基金委同行评议专家,教育部学位中心专家,西安市科协科技智库首批专家,大北农科技奖评审专家,CNKI评审专家,Cellular & Molecular Immunology、Frontiers in Immunology等期刊审稿专家等。


主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点研发计划子课题、黑龙江省杰青项目等各级科研项目十余项。在Cell Death & Differentiation,PLoS Pathogens,Journal of Virology,Journal of Immunology,Vaccines等学术期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,JCR 1区20篇,总他引1000余次。申请国家发明专利7件,授权5件,转化1件。参编、参译专著2部(中国农业出版社),参与《新中国农业发展70年》编撰(中国农业出版社)。培养研究生20余名,4人获国家奖学金。








1. Lu Cui#, Xuefeng Li#, Zheyi Liu#, Xiaoxiao Liu, Yongxin Zhu, Yu Zhang, Zongxi Han, Yilei Zhang*, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. MAPK pathway orchestrates gallid alphaherpesvirus 1 infection through the parallel activation of MEK/ERK and p38 signaling.Virology. 2024 Jun 26;597:110159.

2. Lu Cui#, Xuefeng Li#, Zhijie Chen, Zheyi Liu, Yu Zhang, Zongxi Han , Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Integrative RNA-seq and ChIP-seq analysis unveils metabolic regulation as a conserved antiviral mechanism of chicken p53.Microbiology Spectrum. 2024 Jun 18:e0030924.

3. Xuefeng Li, Xiaoxiao Liu, Lu Cui, Zheyi Liu, Yu Zhang*,Hai Li*. How to Break through the Bottlenecks of in Ovo Vaccination in Poultry Farming.Vaccines. 2024; 12(1):48.

4. Yu Zhang, Xuefeng Li, Jianyu Xing, Jinsong Zhou*,Hai Li*. Chemical Transdifferentiation of Somatic Cells: Unleashing the Power of Small Molecules.Biomedicines. 2023;11,no.11:2913.

5. Yu Zhang, Xuefeng Li , Hong Tian, Miaomiao Xi, Jinsong Zhou*,Hai Li*. p53 activation facilitates transdifferentiation of human cardiac fibroblasts into endothelial cells.Tissue Engineering Part A. 2023;10.1089/ten.TEA.2023.0146.

6. Zheyi Liu#, Lu Cui#, Xuefeng Li, Li Xu, Yu Zhang, Zongxi Han, shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Characterization of the Effects of Host p53 and Fos on Gallid Alpha Herpesvirus 1 Replication.Genes. 2023, 14, 1615.

7. Li Xu, Zhijie Chen, Yu Zhang, Lu Cui, Zheyi Liu, Xuefeng Li, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. P53 maintains gallid alpha herpesvirus 1 replication by direct regulation of nucleotide metabolism and ATP synthesis through its target genes.Frontiers in microbiology. 2022(13),1044141.

8. Zhijie Chen, Lu Cui, Li Xu, Zheyi Liu, Yumeng Liang, Xuefeng Li, Yanhui Zhang, Yijing Li, Shengwang Liu,Hai Li*. Characterization of chicken p53 transcriptional function via parallel genome-wide chromatin occupancy and gene expression analysis.Poultry Science. 2022, 102164.

9. Li Xu, Zhitao Wang, Zhijie Chen, Lu Cui, Zheyi Liu, Yumeng Liang, Xuefeng Li, Yanhui Zhang, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. PFT-α inhibits gallid alpha herpesvirus 1 replication by repressing host nucleotide metabolism and ATP synthesis.Veterinary Microbiology. 2022(269), 109435.

10. Yang Yu, Xuechun Li, Yimei Li, Renyue Wei,Hai Li, Zhonghua Liu*, Yu Zhang*. Derivation and characterization of endothelial cells from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022;23(13):7029.

11. Yumeng Liang#, Yong Ma#, Yanhui Zhang, Zhijie Chen, Zhitao Wang, Xuefeng Li, Lu Cui, Li Xu, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Single-Cell Analysis of the In Vivo Dynamics of Host Circulating Immune Cells Highlights the Importance of Myeloid Cells in Avian Flaviviral Infection.Journal of Immunology. December 1, 2021, 207 (11) 2878-2891.

12. Lu Cui#, Yong Ma#, Yumeng Liang, Yanhui Zhang, Zhijie Chen, Zhitao Wang, Hanguang Wu, Xuefeng Li, Li Xu,, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Polarization of avian macrophages upon avian flavivirus infection.Veterinary Microbiology. 2021; 256:109044.

13. Zhitao Wang#, Yangyang Qiao#, Zhijie Chen, Yumeng Liang, Lu Cui; Yanhui Zhang, Xuefeng Li, Li Xu, Ping Wei, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Fos Facilitates Gallid Alpha-Herpesvirus 1 Infection by Transcriptional Control of Host Metabolic Genes and Viral Immediate Early Gene.Viruses. 2021 Jun 9;13(6):1110.

14. Yangyang Qiao#, Zhitao Wang#, Zhongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Yong Ma, Yumeng Liang , Zhijie Chen , Hanguang Wu , Lu Cui , Yanhui Zhang , Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Global exploration of the metabolic requirements of gallid alphaherpesvirus 1.PLoS Pathogens. 2020;16(8): e1008815.

15. Yong Ma, Yumeng Liang, Nana Wang, Lu Cui, Zhijie Chen, Hanguang Wu, Chenyang Zhu, Zhitao Wang, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Avian Flavivirus Infection of Monocytes/Macrophages by Extensive Subversion of Host Antiviral Innate Immune Responses.Journal of Virology. 2019;93(22). pii: e00978-19. Print 2019 Nov 15.

16. Zhitao Wang, Bangyao Sun, Qi Gao, Yong Ma, Yumeng Liang, Zhijie Chen, Hanguang Wu, Lu Cui, Yuhao Shao, Ping Wei*,Hai Li*, Shengwang Liu*. Host Src controls gallid alpha herpesvirus 1 intercellular spread in a cellular fatty acid metabolism-dependent manner.Virology. 2019 (537):1-13.

17.Hai Li#, Qi Gao#, Yuhao Shao, Bangyao Sun, Fengjie Wang, Yangyang Qiao, Nana Wang, Shengwang liu*. Gallid Herpesvirus 1 Intitates Apoptosis in Uninfected Cells through Paracrine Repression of p53.Journal of Virology. 2018; 92(18):e00529-18.

18. Yu Zhang#, Chenyang Zhu#, Bangyao Sun, Jiawei Lv, Zhonghua Liu*, Shengwang Liu*,Hai Li*. Integrated high throughput analysis identifies GSK3 as a determinant of p53-mediated apoptosis in lung cancer cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017;42:1177-91.

19.Hai Li#, Fengjie Wang#, Zongxi Han, Qi Gao, Huixin Li, Yuhao Shao, Nana Sun, Shengwang liu*. Genome-wide gene expression analysis identifies the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src as a crucial virulence determinant of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chicken cells.Journal of Virology. 2016;90(1):9-21.

20. Yu Zhang#, Jing Ma#,Hai Li#, Jiawei Lv, Renyue Wei, Yimei Cong, Zhonghua Liu*. bFGF signaling-mediated reprogramming of porcine primordial germ cells.Cell and Tissue Research. 2016;364(2): 429-441.

21. Yu Zhang#,Hai Li#, Renyue Wei, Jing Ma, Yanhua Zhao, Zhengxing Lian*, Zhonghua Liu*. Endothelial Cell Regulates Cardiac Myocyte Reorganization through β1-integrin Signaling.Cell Physiol Biochem. 2015;35(5):1808-20.

22.Hai Li, Yu Zhang, Anda Ströse, Yao Shi, Donato Tedesco, Katerina Gurova, Galina Selivanova*.Integrated high throughput analysis identifies Sp1 as a crucial determinant of p53-mediated apoptosis.Cell Death & Differentiation.2014;21(9):1493-502.

23.Hai Li, Yu Zhang, Galina Selivanova*. Integrated high throughput analysis identifies AP-1 as a crucial factor of p53-mediated cell fate decision.Journal of Biotechnology. 2014 (185S) 89.

24. Shi Y, Nikulenkov F, Zawacka-Pankau J,Li H, Gabdoulline R, Xu J, Eriksson S, Hedström E, Issaeva N, Kel A, Arnér E, Selivanova G*. ROS-dependent activation of JNK converts p53 into an efficient inhibitor of oncogenes leading to robust apoptosis.Cell Death & Differentiation. 2014;21(4):612-23.

25.Hai Li, Lakshmikanth Tadepally, Ennio Carbone*, and Galina Selivanova*.A novel facet of tumor suppression by p53: induction of tumor immunogenicity.Oncoimmunology.2012;1(4):541-543.

26. F Nikulenkov, C Spinnler#,H Li#, C Tonelli, Y Shi, M Turunen, T Kivioja, I Ignatiev, A Kel, J Taipale, G Selivanova*. Insights into p53 transcriptional function via genome-wide chromatin occupancy and gene expression analysis.Cell Death & Differentiation. 2012;19(12):1992-2002.

27.Hai Li, Tadepally Lakshmikanth, Cinzia Garofalo, Martin Enge, Clemens Spinnler, Andrea Anichini, Laszlo Szekely, Klas Kärre, Ennio Carbone*, Galina Selivanova*.Pharmacological activation of p53 triggers anticancer innate immune response through induction of ULBP2.Cell Cycle. 2011;10(19):3346-58.

28. Spinnler C, Hedström E,Li H, de Lange J, Nikulenkov F, Teunisse AF, Verlaan-de Vries M, Grinkevich V, Jochemsen AG, Selivanova G*. Abrogation of Wip1 expression by RITA-activated p53 potentiates apoptosis induction via activation of ATM and inhibition of HdmX.Cell Death & Differentiation. 2011;18(11):1736-45.

29. Joanna Zawacka-Pankau, Vera V Grinkevich, Sabine Hünten, Fedor Nikulenkov, Angela Gluch,Hai Li, Martin Enge, Alexander Kel, Galina Selivanova*. Inhibition of glycolytic enzymes mediated by pharmacologically activated p53: targeting Warburg effect to fight cancer.J Biol Chem. 2011;286(48):41600-15.

30. Yu Zhang,Hai Li, Zhengxing Lian*, Ning Li*. Myofibroblasts protect myoblasts from intrinsic apoptosis associated with differentiation via beta 1 integrin-PI3K/Akt pathway.Dev Growth Differ. 2010;52(8):725-33.

31. Yu Zhang,Hai Li, Zhengxing Lian*, Ning Li*. Normal fibroblasts promote myodifferentiation of myoblasts from sex-linked dwarf chicken via up-regulation of beta 1 integrin.Cell Biol Int.2010;34(11):1119-27.

32.Hai Li, Yu Zhang, Shifeng Zuo, Zhengxing Lian*, Ning Li*. Effects of methyltestosterone on immunity against Salmonella Pullorum in dwarf chicks.Poult Sci.2009;88(12):2539-48.

33.Hai Li, Yu Zhang, Zhonghua Ning, Xuemei Deng, Zhengxing Lian*, Ning Li*. Effect of selection for phagocytosis in dwarf chickens on immune and reproductive characters.Poult. Sci.2008;87:41-49.

34. Shufeng Sun, Qiuzhen Pan, Xue Hui, Baolu Zhang, Hongmei Wu,Hai Li, W Xu, Qin Zhang, Jinyin Li, Xuemei Deng, Jinwen Chen, Zhengxing Lian and Ning Li. Stronger in vitro phagocytosis by monocytes-macrophages is indicative of greater pathogen clearance and antibody levels in vivo.Poult. Sci.2008;87:1725-1733.







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