



李园园,男,2015年毕业于第三军医大学并获得免疫学博士学位,荣获“全军优秀博士学位论文”、“重庆市自然科学优秀学术论文”。长期从事风湿免疫疾病诊治及基础研究工作,具有扎实的疾病理论知识和丰富的临床经验。主持及参研国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金等项目,以第一及通讯作者在Immunity、Font Pharmacol等杂志发表SCI论文6篇。


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,82371811,Rab32调控自噬溶酶体形成参与SLE致病性B细胞分化的机制,2024/01-2027/12, 46万元,在研,参与。

2.陕西省重点研发计划,2023-ZDLSF-11,基于SLE治疗后免疫重建评估早期疗效应答及感染预测评价体系的建立,2023/01-2025/12, 65万元,在研,参与。




1.Wang J, Ju B, Zhu L, Li H, Luo J, Zhang J, Hu N, Mo L, Wang Y, Pan Y, Huang J, Lv X, Pu D, Hao Z, He L,Li Y. The rapid inhibition of B-cell activation markers by belimumab was associated with disease control in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Front Pharmacol. 2023, 14:1080730. IF=5.6Q1区.

2.Li Y,Wang Y, Zou L, Tang X, Yang Y, Ma L, Jia Q, Ni Q, Liu S, Tang L, Lin R, Wong E, Sun W, Wang L, Wei Q, Ran H, Zhang L, Lian H, Huang W, Wu Y, Li QJ, Wan Y. Analysis of the Rab GTPase Interactome in Dendritic Cells Reveals Anti-microbial Functions of the Rab32 Complex in Bacterial Containment. Immunity. 2016, 44(2):422-37. IF=32.4Q1区.

3.Wang Y, Luo J, Lv X,Li Y,An Q, Mo L, Hu N, Zhang J, Wang J, Tian J, Pu D, Hao Z, He L. Tofacitinib for new-onset adult patients with anti-melanoma differentiation-associated 5 gene antibody positive dermatomyositis. Clin Rheumatol. 2023, 42(7):1847-1853. IF=3.4Q3区.

4.Zhao F, Shi Y, Huang Y, Zhan Y, Zhou L,Li Y, Wan Y, Li H, Huang H, Ruan H, Luo L, Li L. Irf8 regulates the progression of myeloproliferative neoplasm-like syndrome via Mertk signaling in zebrafish. Leukemia. 2018, 32(1):149-158. IF=11.4Q1区.

5.Li Y, Jia Q, Zhang Q, Wan Y. Rab25 upregulation correlates with the proliferation, migration, and invasion of renal cell carcinoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015, 458(4):745-50. IF=3.1Q2区.

6.Li Y, Lian H, Jia Q, Wan Y. Proteome screening of pleural effusions identifies IL1A as a diagnostic biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015, 457(2):177-82. IF=3.1Q2区.

7.Li Y, Jia Q, Wang Y, Li F, Jia Z, Wan Y. Rab40b upregulation correlates with the prognosis of gastric cancer by promoting migration, invasion, and metastasis. Med Oncol. 2015, 32(4):126. IF=3.4Q3区.







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