
高巍,39岁,博士,党员,博士生导师,现任西安交通大学第一附属医院麻醉手术部副主任医师、副研究员,负责科室临床与转化研究、无痛诊疗临床工作。主要研究方向与专长为麻醉药物纳米载体的基础研究、麻醉术后并发症防治的临床研究。现任国家自然科学基金和省基金评审人,中华医学会麻醉学分会第十三届委员会临床及转化医学研究学组组员,陕西省医学会麻醉学分会第九届委员会青委副主任委员,第五届陕西省青年科技工作者协会个人会员,中华医学会口腔镇痛镇静分会青年委员、西安医学会麻醉学分会委员兼秘书。2011.9-2012.9国家公派麦吉尔大学与西安交通大学联合培养博士;2015.12-2016.6中华医学会麻醉学分会中青年优秀麻醉人才出国培养基金资助,加州大学洛杉矶分校访问学习。2013年1月入院后,主持国科金3项、省基金2项、学会横向基金4项、校基金1项、院基金2项,主持经费共计321.5万;参与国家级、省级项目十余项。共发表SCI论文23篇,第一作者/通讯作者在《Biomaterials》(2篇)、《Artif Cells, Nanomed, Biotechnol》(3篇)、《Surgery》、《Transplantation》、《Frontiers in pharmacology》、《Frontiers in medicine》等期刊发表11篇,授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利3项,中文期刊论文29篇。获得2020年陕西省青年拔尖人才、2019年陕西省青年科技新星、2017、2019年院级五佳优秀青年科研工作者、2017年院级优秀员工、2018、2019、2021年院级优秀共产党员等荣誉、2016年CAA麻醉学学会优秀论文一等奖、2016年院级青年岗位能手、2015年校级优秀博士论文、2014年、2021年院级优秀教师。
[1] 陕西省“高层次人才特殊支持计划”青年拔尖人才,100万
[2] 缺血脑区靶向纳米线粒体治疗脑卒中的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO.81971290),2020.01-2023.12,55万
[3] 磷脂酰纳米螺旋载体HSBH2D介导γ-GSH高效镇静苏醒及脑靶向二级递送机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO.81771485), 2018.1-2021.12, 54万
[4] 缺血脑区靶向纳米线粒体治疗脑卒中的作用及机制研究,一般项目-社会发展领域(2020SF-136), 2020.01-2021.12, 8万
[5] UGECLIA法检测血清UCHL1、GFAP预测术后脑卒中,2019,省级创新人才推进计划-青年科技新星项目(2019KJXX-046),2019.6.1-2021.5.31,10万
[6] TEAS降低术后麻痹性肠梗阻的随机、对照、评价者盲法临床研究,中国医师协会麻醉学医师分会青年麻醉医师科研基金(21800008),2019.1-2020.12,3万(院级横向)
[7] 缺血脑区靶向纳米线粒体治疗脑卒中的作用及机制研究,中国医师协会麻醉学医师分会青年麻醉医师科研基金(NO.21900001),2020.01-2021.12,3万
[8] 基于高仿生微流控BBB模型的PCNSC药物筛选及机理研究,校级中央高校基本科研业务费(xjj2018262), 2018.1-2020.12, 15万
[9] 右美托咪定对老年手术患者血脑屏障的保护,2017年院级临床研究特殊专项资助课题(XJTU1AF-CRF-2017-012),2018.1-2019.12, 5万
[1] Guo Zun He,Ning Bu,Ya Juan Li,Yuan Gao,Ge Wang,Zhi Dong Kong,Min Zhao,Shan Shan Zhang,Wei Gao*,Extra loading dose of dexmedetomidine enhances intestinal function recovery after colorectal resection: A retrospective cohort study.Frontiers in Pharmacology.2022,13:(1-10).
[2] Wei Gao, Linzhong Zhang , Xuechang Han , Lai Wei , Jie Fang , Xiaqing Zhang , Jiaqiang Zhang , Haiyun Wang , Qi Zhou , Chenggang Wang , Wenting Chen , Xinli Ni , Lan Yang , Ruini Du , Ge Wang , Bingyu Liu , Yajuan Li , Shanshan Zhang and Qiang Wang* , Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation Decreases the Incidence of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting After Laparoscopic Non-gastrointestinal Surgery: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial.Frontiers in Medicine.2022,09:(1-10).
[3] Wei Gao, Wanpeng Li, , Yuqiang Yan, , Rui Yang, Yuqin Zhang, Meisheng Jin, Zhikai Luo, Li Xie, , Yulin Ma , Xitong Xu , Ge Wang, Zhidong Kong, Yuan Gao, Yajuan Li, Zhen Ruan, Jie Zheng, Daqing Ma, **, Qiang Wang* , Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation applied in lower limbs decreases the incidence of paralytic ileus after colorectal surgery: A multicenter randomized controlled trial.Surgery.2021,Sep 05:(1-9).
[4] Keke Song, Tingting Yang andWei Gao*Association of hyperchloremia with all-cause mortality in patients admitted to the surgical intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study..BMC Anesthesiology.2022,22(14),(2-8)
[5] Wei Gao, Jun Li , Christine Nguyen-Buckley, Jennifer NguyenLee, Christopher Wray , Vatche Agopian , Ronald W. Busuttil, Randolph H. Steadman, Victor W. Xia*, Intraoperative hypertension and thrombocytopenia associated with intracranialhemorrhage after liver transplantation.Transplantation2020, 104: 535-541.
[6] Wei Gao#, Yongchun Liu#, Guixia Jing, Ke Li, Yuan Zhao, Baoyong Sha*,Qiang Wang*, Daocheng Wu*,Rapid and efficient crossing blood-brain barrier: Hydrophobic drug delivery system based on propionylated amylose helix nanoclusters,Biomaterials.2017, 113: 133-144
[7] Wei Gao#, Baoyong Sha#, Wei Zou, Xuan Liang, XiangzhongMeng, HaoXu, Jun Tang, Daocheng Wu*, LixianXu*, Hui Zhang*.Cationic Amylose-Encapsulated Bovine Hemoglobin as a Nanosized Oxygen Carrier.Biomaterials.2011, 32(35): 9425–9433.
[8] Wei Gao*, Baoyong Sha*, Yongchun Liu, Daocheng Wu, Xin Shen, Guixia Jing. The effect of cationic starch on hemoglobin, and the primary attempt to encapsulate hemoglobin. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology; 2015, 43(3):196-202.
[9] Wei Gao, Baoyong Sha*, Zhe Fan, Yansheng Liu, and Xin Shen*.Nanoformulation of premixing propofol lipid emulsion and fentanyl citrate and their effects on acute toxicity, sedation, and analgesia. Journal of Nanomaterials.2016(4):1-8
[10] Wei Gao, YuzhuBian, Thomas M.S. Chang*. Novel Nanodimension artificial red blood cells that act as O2 and CO2 carrier with enhanced antioxidant activity: PLA-PEG nanoencapsulated PolySFHb-superoxide dismutase-catalase-carbonic anhydrase. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. 2013, 41(4): 232-239.
[11] Wei Gao, Baoyong Sha*, Yuan Zhao, Zhe Fan, Lin Liu & Xin Shen*,Comparison of simultaneous and sequential administration of fentanyl-propofol for surgical abortion: a randomized single-blinded controlled trial,Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology.2017;45(5):1045-1050