



虎小毅,男,博士,副主任医师,硕士生导师;西安交通大学口腔医院口腔颌面外科教研室主任、创伤整形外科主任。美国Augusta University大学神经科学与组织再生学系访问学者(2016-2017年)。兼任《中国美容医学杂志》编委;中华口腔医学会第二届口腔颌面创伤及正颌专业委员会委员;中华口腔医学会口腔病理专业委员会青年委员;陕西省医学会烧伤与创面修复分会常务委员;陕西省医师协会创伤专业委员会委员;陕西省口腔医学会口腔颌面外科学专业委员会委员;陕西省医学会整形外科学分会委员;陕西省医学传播学会整形美容外科学专业委员会委员;西安医学会医学整形与美容学分会副主委。













 [1] Lifeng Li; Kiran Acharya; Bedana Ghimire; Yanqiu Li; Xiaotao Xing; Xiaoru Hou; Lingnan Hou;HuXiaoyi* ; Conservative management of mandibular fractures in pediatric patients during thegrowing phase with splint fiber and ligature arch wire, BMC Oral Health, 2023.

 [2] Li Yuncong; Li Lifeng; Shi Jingyi; Tu Junbo; Niu Lin;HuXiaoyi* ; Positional Changes of Mandibular Canal Before and After Decompression of Cystic Lesions in the Mandible, Journal ofOral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2021, 79(4): 854-862

 [3] Li Yuncong;HuXiaoyi#; Ruan Jianping; Arola Dwayne D; Ji Chao; Weir Michael D; Oates Thomas W; Chang Xiaofeng; Zhang Ke; Xu Hockin H K ; Bonding durability, antibacterial activity and biofilm pH of novel adhesive containing antibacterial monomer and nanoparticles of amorphouscalcium phosphate., Journal of Dentistry, 2019, 81: 91-101

 [4]HuXiaoyi; Zhang Min; Miao Jiyu; Wang Xiaofei; Huang Chen ; miRNA-4317 suppresses human gastric cancer cell proliferation by targeting ZNF322., Cell Biology International, 2018, 42(8):923-930

 [5]HuXiaoyi; Miao Jiyu; Zhang Min; Wang Xiaofei; Wang Zhenzhen; Han Jia; Tong Dongdong; Huang Chen ; miRNA-103a-3p Promotes Human Gastric Cancer Cell Proliferation by Targeting andSuppressing ATF7 in vitro., Molecules and Cells, 2018, 41(5): 390-400






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