
吴少伟 西安交通大学公共卫生学院,劳动卫生与环境卫生学系,教授,系主任,博士生导师


1. 环境化学污染物(空气污染、重金属等)对人群健康影响

2. 环境物理因素(紫外线、气温等)对人群健康影响

3. 行为、心理因素环境因素健康影响的交互作用


2009.9-2012.7  北京大学公共卫生学院,劳动卫生与环境卫生学博士

2007.9-2009.7  北京大学公共卫生学院,劳动卫生与环境卫生学硕士

2002.9-2007.7  北京大学公共卫生学院,预防医学学士


2020.10至今   西安交通大学公共卫生学院,教授

2016.8-2020.10 北京大学公共卫生学院,研究员

2015.7-2016.8  哈佛陈曾熙公共卫生学院,助理研究员

2014.7-2015.6  布朗大学沃伦·阿尔珀特医学院,博士后

2012.7-2014.6  哈佛医学院附属布莱根与妇女医院BWH,博士后




入选国家级青年人才项目及西安交通大学青年拔尖人才支持计划(A类),近年研究主要关注气污染、紫外线、重金属、气温等环境因素的人群健康影响及相关机制以及行为、心理因素环境因素健康影响的交互作用以第一作者/通讯作者Am J Psychiatry, J Clin Oncol, J Natl Cancer Inst, Lancet Regional Health, Ann Rheum Dis, J Am Soc Nephrol, J Hazard Mater, Environ Health Perspect, Environ Int, Environ Sci Technol, Int J Epidemiol等国际权威期刊发表SCI收录研究论文60,多篇论文由发表期刊配发评论、新闻稿或选为封面论文,另参与发表SCI研究论文40余篇曾获中国环境科学学会首届青年科学家奖优秀奖,并获得北京市科学技术奖二等奖3/4、中国环境科学学会环境保护科学技术奖二等奖3/4等省部级奖励。目前担任国际环境流行病学会亚太分会(ISEE Asia Western Pacific Chapter)理事、第八届国家卫生健康标准委员会环境健康标准专业委员会委员、中国医疗保健国际交流促进会(医促会)公共卫生与预防医学分会委员、中国环境诱变剂学会生物标志物专业委员会常务委员、中国环境诱变剂学会暴露组学和暴露科学专业委员会委员、中国毒理学会呼吸毒理专业委员会委员、中国毒理学会神经毒理专业委员会委员、中华预防医学会肾脏病预防与控制专业委员会委员,以及Current Medical Science》、《环境与职业医学》、《环境卫生学杂志》等专业期刊编委。


1. Chen J, Li PH, Fan H, Li C, Zhang Y, Ju D, Deng F, Guo X, Guo L*, Wu S*. Weekly-specific ambient fine particular matter exposures before and during pregnancy were associated with risks of small for gestational age and large for gestational age: results from the Project ELEFANT. Int J Epidemiol 2021;dyab166.

2. Xie Y, Li Z, Zhong H, Feng XL, Lu P, Xu Z, Guo T, Si Y, Wang J, Chen L, Wei C, Deng F, Baccarelli AA, Zheng Z, Guo X, Wu S*. Short-Term Ambient Particulate Air Pollution and Hospitalization Expenditures of Cause-Specific Cardiorespiratory Diseases in China: A Multicity Analysis. Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific 2021;15:100232.

3. Wang J, Shi J, Zhao Y, Xue L, Li G, Wang B, Huang J*, Wu S*, Guo X. Cardiorespiratory responses in healthy young adults with exposure to indoor airborne PAEs: A randomized, crossover trial of air purification. Environ Int 2021;156:106761.

4. Liu Q, Li H, Guo L, Chen Q, Gao X, Li P, Tang N, Guo X, Deng F*, Wu S*. Effects of short-term personal exposure to air pollution on platelet mitochondrial DNA methylation levels and the potential mitigation by L-arginine supplementation. J Hazard Mater 2021;417:125963.

5. Li H, Liu Q, Zou Z, Chen Q, Wang W, Baccarelli AA, Deng F, Guo X, Wu S*. L-arginine supplementation to mitigate cardiovascular effects of walking outside in the context of traffic-related air pollution in participants with elevated blood pressure: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Environ Int 2021;156:106631.

6. Li G, Huang J, Wang J, Zhao Z, Liu Y, Guo X, Wu S*, Zhang L*. Long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 and increased risk of chronic kidney disease prevalence in China. J Am Soc Nephrol 2021;32(2):448-458. [Accompanied by an invited editorial]

7. Gu X, Guo T, Si Y, Wang J, Zhang W, Deng F, Chen L, Wei C, Lin S, Guo X*, Wu S*. Association between ambient air pollution and daily hospital admission for depression in 75 Chinese cities. Am J Psychiatry 2020;177(8):735-743.

8. Sun Y, Huang J, Zhao Y, Xue L, Li H, Liu Q, Cao H, Peng W, Guo C, Xie Y, Liu X, Li B, Liu K, Wu S*, Zhang L*. Inflammatory cytokines and DNA methylation in healthy young adults exposure to fine particulate matter: A randomized, double-blind crossover trial of air filtration. J Hazard Mater 2020;398:122817.

9. Wang X, Hart JE, Liu Q, Wu S*, Nan H, Laden F. Association of particulate matter air pollution with leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number. Environ Int 2020;141:105761.

10. Wu S*, Hivert MF, Cardenas A, Zhong J, Rifas-Shiman SL, Agha G, Colicino E, Just AC, Amarasiriwardena C, Lin X, Litonjua AA, DeMeo DL, Gillman MW, Wright RO, Oken E, Baccarelli AA*. Exposure to low levels of lead in utero and umbilical cord blood DNA methylation in Project Viva: An epigenome-wide association study. Environ Health Perspect 2017;125(8):087019.

11. Wu S*, Cho E, Li WQ, Qureshi AA*. History of keratinocyte carcinoma and risk of melanoma: a prospective cohort study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2017;109 (4):djw268.

12. Wu S, Han J, Feskanich D, Cho E, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Qureshi AA. Citrus consumption and risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma. J Clin Oncol 2015;33(23):2500-8. [Accompanied by a press release and an invited editorial]

13. Merola JF#, Wu S#, Han J, Choi HK, Qureshi AA. Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and risk of gout in US men and women. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74(8):1495-500. #Joint first authorship. [Selected for a Lay Summary by the editor]

14. Wu S, Deng F, Wei H, Huang J, Wang X, Hao Y, Zheng C, Qin Y, Lv H, Shima M, Guo X. Association of cardiopulmonary health effects with source appointed ambient fine particulate in Beijing, China: a combined analysis from the HVNR study. Environ Sci Technol 2014;48(6):3438-48. [Selected as the Cover Article of the containing issue]

15. Wu S, Deng F, Huang J, Wang H, Shima M, Wang X, Qin Y, Zheng C, Wei H, Hao Y, Lv H, Lu X, Guo X. Blood pressure changes and chemical constituents of the particulate air pollution. Environ Health Perspect 2013;121(1):66-72.



联系地址:西安市雁塔西路76西安交通大学医学部卫法楼 710061

Shaowei Wu, PhD

Professor, Chair of Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

Research field (major directions)

Environmental epidemiology:

1. Health effects of environmental chemical pollutants (air pollution, heavy metals)

2. Health effects of environmental physical factors (ultraviolet radiation, temperature)

3. The modification of behavioral and psychological factors on the health impact of environmental factors

Education background

2009.9-2012.7, School of Public Health, Peking University, Doctor of Environmental Health

2007.9-2009.7, School of Public Health, Peking University, Master of Environmental Health

2002.9-2007.7, School of Public Health, Peking University, Bachelor of Preventive Medicine

Professional positions and employment

2020 to now, Professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

2016.8-2020.10, Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China

2015.7-2016.8, Research Associate, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA

2014.7-2015.6, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

2012.7-2014.6, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Research projects:

Dr. Wu has served as the Principal Investigator of research projects funded by the National Key R & D Program (category “Research on the causes of air pollution and control technology”), National Natural Science Foundation of China and Beijing Natural Science Foundation. He also served as the major personnel of research projects funded by the National Key R & D Program (category “Research on reproductive health and prevention and control of major birth defects”), National Natural Science Foundation of China and follow-up special funding project of Excellent Doctoral Dissertations in Beijing.

Personal profile:

Dr. Wu is an awardee of the national youth talent program and “Young Talent Support Plan” of Xi’an Jiaotong University. In recent years, Dr. Wu’s research mainly focuses on the health impact of environmental factors including air pollution, ultraviolet radiation, heavy metals, and temperature, and the interaction between behavioral and psychological factors and environmental factors on human health. He has published over 100 research articles in international peer-reviewed journals including Am J Psychiatry, J Clin Oncol, J Natl Cancer Inst, Lancet Regional Health, Ann Rheum Dis, J Am Soc Nephrol, J Hazard Mater, Environ Health Perspect, Environ Int, Environ Sci Technol, Int J Epidemiol, among which more than 60 he served as the first author or senior/corresponding author. Multiple articles are published with commentary, editorial, press release or selected as the cover article of the journals. He received the first Young Scientist Award of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES), and won the second prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award and the second prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award of CSES (3/4) in 2018. He is currently a councilor of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Asia Western Pacific Chapter. He is also a member of the Environmental Health Standards Committee of the Eighth National Health Standards Committee, a member of the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Branch of China International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Healthcare, a standing member of the Biomarkers Committee of China Environmental Mutagen Society (CEMS), a member of the Exposure Omics and Exposure Science Committee of CEMS, a member of the Respiratory Toxicology Committee and Neurotoxicology Committee of Chinese Society of Toxicology (CST), and a member of Kidney Disease Prevention and Control Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (CPMA). He also serves as an editorial board member for Current Medical Science, Journal of Environmental & Occupational Medicine and Journal of Environment and Health.

Selected publications (*corresponding author):

1. Chen J, Li PH, Fan H, Li C, Zhang Y, Ju D, Deng F, Guo X, Guo L*, Wu S*. Weekly-specific ambient fine particular matter exposures before and during pregnancy were associated with risks of small for gestational age and large for gestational age: results from the Project ELEFANT. Int J Epidemiol 2021;dyab166.

2. Xie Y, Li Z, Zhong H, Feng XL, Lu P, Xu Z, Guo T, Si Y, Wang J, Chen L, Wei C, Deng F, Baccarelli AA, Zheng Z, Guo X, Wu S*. Short-Term Ambient Particulate Air Pollution and Hospitalization Expenditures of Cause-Specific Cardiorespiratory Diseases in China: A Multicity Analysis. Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific 2021;15:100232.

3. Wang J, Shi J, Zhao Y, Xue L, Li G, Wang B, Huang J*, Wu S*, Guo X. Cardiorespiratory responses in healthy young adults with exposure to indoor airborne PAEs: A randomized, crossover trial of air purification. Environ Int 2021;156:106761.

4. Liu Q, Li H, Guo L, Chen Q, Gao X, Li P, Tang N, Guo X, Deng F*, Wu S*. Effects of short-term personal exposure to air pollution on platelet mitochondrial DNA methylation levels and the potential mitigation by L-arginine supplementation. J Hazard Mater 2021;417:125963.

5. Li H, Liu Q, Zou Z, Chen Q, Wang W, Baccarelli AA, Deng F, Guo X, Wu S*. L-arginine supplementation to mitigate cardiovascular effects of walking outside in the context of traffic-related air pollution in participants with elevated blood pressure: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Environ Int 2021;156:106631.

6. Li G, Huang J, Wang J, Zhao Z, Liu Y, Guo X, Wu S*, Zhang L*. Long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 and increased risk of chronic kidney disease prevalence in China. J Am Soc Nephrol 2021;32(2):448-458. [Accompanied by an invited editorial]

7. Gu X, Guo T, Si Y, Wang J, Zhang W, Deng F, Chen L, Wei C, Lin S, Guo X*, Wu S*. Association between ambient air pollution and daily hospital admission for depression in 75 Chinese cities. Am J Psychiatry 2020;177(8):735-743.

8. Sun Y, Huang J, Zhao Y, Xue L, Li H, Liu Q, Cao H, Peng W, Guo C, Xie Y, Liu X, Li B, Liu K, Wu S*, Zhang L*. Inflammatory cytokines and DNA methylation in healthy young adults exposure to fine particulate matter: A randomized, double-blind crossover trial of air filtration. J Hazard Mater 2020;398:122817.

9. Wang X, Hart JE, Liu Q, Wu S*, Nan H, Laden F. Association of particulate matter air pollution with leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number. Environ Int 2020;141:105761.

10. Wu S*, Hivert MF, Cardenas A, Zhong J, Rifas-Shiman SL, Agha G, Colicino E, Just AC, Amarasiriwardena C, Lin X, Litonjua AA, DeMeo DL, Gillman MW, Wright RO, Oken E, Baccarelli AA*. Exposure to low levels of lead in utero and umbilical cord blood DNA methylation in Project Viva: An epigenome-wide association study. Environ Health Perspect 2017;125(8):087019.

11. Wu S*, Cho E, Li WQ, Qureshi AA*. History of keratinocyte carcinoma and risk of melanoma: a prospective cohort study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2017;109 (4):djw268.

12. Wu S, Han J, Feskanich D, Cho E, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Qureshi AA. Citrus consumption and risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma. J Clin Oncol 2015;33(23):2500-8. [Accompanied by a press release and an invited editorial]

13. Merola JF#, Wu S#, Han J, Choi HK, Qureshi AA. Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and risk of gout in US men and women. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74(8):1495-500. #Joint first authorship. [Selected for a Lay Summary by the editor]

14. Wu S, Deng F, Wei H, Huang J, Wang X, Hao Y, Zheng C, Qin Y, Lv H, Shima M, Guo X. Association of cardiopulmonary health effects with source appointed ambient fine particulate in Beijing, China: a combined analysis from the HVNR study. Environ Sci Technol 2014;48(6):3438-48. [Selected as the Cover Article of the containing issue]

15. Wu S, Deng F, Huang J, Wang H, Shima M, Wang X, Qin Y, Zheng C, Wei H, Hao Y, Lv H, Lu X, Guo X. Blood pressure changes and chemical constituents of the particulate air pollution. Environ Health Perspect 2013;121(1):66-72.

Contact information:

Email: shaowei_ wu@xjtu.edu.cn

Address: 76 Yanta West Road, Yanta District, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, 710061, China


地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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