毕业于原西安医科大学药学系并留校工作,曾先后在原西安医科大学基础部药理专业和北京中医药大学中药学院中药药理专业获得硕士和博士学位。2005年初至2008年中在美国克利夫兰临床基金会(Cleveland Clinic)Lerner研究所分子心血管系从事博士后研究,期间曾获得克里夫兰临床基金会分子心血管系2006-2007年度 Bernadine Healy Award(1名)和北美血管生物学组织(The North America Vascular Biology Organization, NAVBO)评选的2008年北美地区“青年科学家奖入围奖”(Junior Investigator Award Finalist)(8名)。
1. GM-CSF increases tumor growth and angiogenesis directly by promoting endothelial cell function and indirectly by enhancing the mobilization and recruitment of proangiogenic granulocytes. Tumor Biology. (accepted)
2. The effects of gliclazide, methylcobalamin, and gliclazide plus methylcobalamin combination therapy on diabetic peripheral neuropathy in rats. Life Science. 2016;16:60-68
3. Evaluation of adverse health risks associated with antineoplastic drug exposure in nurses at two Chinese hospitals: The effects of implementing a pharmacy intravenous admixture service. Am J Ind Med. 2016;59(4):264-73.
4. Vasorelaxant Activities of Danhong Injection and Their Differential Effects on the Rat Abdominal Aorta and Mesenteric Artery. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 2015, 65(1): 62-71.
5. A novel role for platelet secretion in angiogenesis: mediating bone marrow-derived cell mobilization and homing. Blood. 2011;117(14):3893-3902.
6. The angiogenic response is dictated by beta3 integrin on bone marrow-derived cells. J. Cell Biology. 2008,183(12): 1145-1157
7.Mechanisms of integrin-vascular endothelial growth factor receptor cross-activation in angiogenesis. Circ Res. 2007, 14;101(6):570-80
8. Integrin signaling is critical for pathological angiogenesis. J Exp Med. 2006,203(11):2495-507